Friday, November 12, 2010

Cross Village Wedding Photographer {Carrie Novak Photography}

Fantabulous Fall Wedding! I must admit that fall has always been my favorite time of year and being a photographer now I love it even more. It is such an awesome backdrop for photos :)
I had the privilege of photographing Matt & Sarah's wedding in the beautiful town of Cross Village. I had never been to Cross Village before but I will definitely go back because it is a wonderful little place! Extremely helpful people at the Party Store/Gas Station, they gave me perfect directions as I was a bit lost and even called the family's home phone for me. Then after the wedding I stopped back there to grab a sandwich and a Red Bull for the ride home and lost my keys! Ugh. I spent a half hour going back and forth from my car to the store and everywhere inside. A nice gentleman (I assume a hunter as he was dressed in full camo - and not like Army camo, like the 'real tree' camo ;) helped me search and waited while I plopped down in the middle of the store and dumped my large purse full of everything imaginable out onto the floor. Finally, I found them in the bathroom garbage. (relatively close to the top so I didn't have to dig :) point here is that I like that little village and I will return.

Back to Matt and Sarah. What a gorgeous family! A small intimate wedding full of beautiful people and magical hand made gifts make for excellent photographs. Thank you Matt and Sarah for including me in your special day!

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