Monday, January 17, 2011

Project 365 {Carrie Novak Photography} Day 8 - Northern Michigan Photographer

day 8

My photowalk partner didn't feel like joining me this morning. So off I went into the blustery January morning looking for my photo of the day. This morning I took my macro lens with me. I started thinking about shooting macro and my first introduction to macro photography. 2 fantabulous photogs I met on flickr seriously inspired me with their macro images. Gaby (her flickr stream) & Suz (her flickr stream)- they are very talented artists - please have a look at their work :)

Me in the mirror through the window - looking for my photo partner...but she was feeling camera shy today. So you get me.


  1. Great winter shots. I love, love the second reflection shot. very cool.

  2. awesome pics, the photos of the leaves gave me the chills. It summer here in australia at the moment and seeing the cold in these photos are going to make me cherish the summer days we have left,

  3. Wow I love the first shot with the leaf. So serene!
